Mechanical and Industrial Engineering Department, IIT Roorkee, under the aegis of Association for Machines and Mechanisms (AMM), and the International Federation for the Promotion of Mechanism and Machine Science (IFToMM) announces the 1st International & 16th National Conference on Machines and Mechanisms (iNaCoMM 2013) to be held at IIT Roorkee between December 18 to December 20, 2013.
About the Conference
iNaCoMM 2013 is the 16th in the series of biennial conferences organised under the aegis of AMM with international status being given from 2013. The conference aims at bringing together researchers, industry experts and students interested in various aspects of design and analysis of machines and mechanisms. This year the conference starts with a one-day workshop whose topics will be compliant mechanisms and multibody dynamics. The conference would consist of regular paper and poster presentations, and special talks by experts. Also included in the conference is the Students' Mechanism Design contest, an event that became part of NaCoMM in 2009. Selected papers from the iNaCoMM2013 will be recommended for publication in
(i) Mechanism and Machine Theory, affiliated as an official IFToMM research journal, published by Elsevier (ii) Robotica, an official journal of the International Federation of Robotics, published by Cambridge University Press.
About Association for Machines and Mechanism and IFToMM
The Association for Machines and Mechanism, India, is the national affiliate of IFToMM, an international body of about fifty member nations. India was one of the thirteen founder members when IFToMM came into being in the year 1969. The national body of AMM was founded in 1984. The main objective of AMM is to contribute to mechanical design at all levels starting from academic research to industrial initiatives, thereby enhancing the quality and reliability of indigenous machines. With this in view, AMM organises the National Conference on Machines and Mechanisms, NaCoMM, and the workshop, Industrial Problems on Machines and Mechanisms, IPRoMM, regularly.
About IIT Roorkee
The Indian Institute of Technology (IIT) Roorkee is the successor of the
University of the Roorkee and is the oldest technical institution of the
Indian sub-continent. It was established as the Roorkee College in 1847
and rechristened as the Thomson College of Civil Engineering in 1854.
Recognizing its yeoman contribution for the development of the country
for over 100 years, this temple of learning was elevated to the status of a
University, the first technical university in India in 1949. The University
of Roorkee was converted to IIT Roorkee as the nation's seventh Indian Institute of Technology by the Government of India on Septmeber 21, 2001, thereby further elevating it to an institute of national importance.
Over the years, it has built up and maintained an excellent academic
reputation. The outstanding achievements of its alumni especially in the
field of water related subjects are a testimony to this. The IIT Roorkee
has academic departments in the area of Engineering, Sciences,
Architecture and Planning, Management studies and Humanities and
Social Sciences besides many centres of higher education and research.
About Mechanical and Industrial Engineering Department
The Department of Mechanical Engineering came into being in the year
1946 and was renamed as Department of Mechanical & Industrial
Engineering on its silver jubilee in 1971. At present it offers
undergraduate courses in the area of Mechanical Engineering and
Production and Industrial Engineering. The department offers Master of Technology
courses in Machine Design Engineering, Production and Industrial, Systems Engineering, Thermal System Engineering, CAD/CAM &
Robotics and Welding Engineering. It runs Ph. D. program in all the areas
of specialization and about 55 research scholars are pursuing work for
their Ph. D. degree at present. The department has completed a large
number of sponsored R & D projects and a large number of consultancy
works indicating its strength of competent faculty.